Learn More About the Team Helping You Save Time With Our Free Quiz Creator, Data Automation and More.


Discover how easy it is to use our free quiz creator and data analysis.

What is Formcoast?

Formcoast is a Cloud Platform, allowing you to create as many Quizzes as You want, for Free! We provide an easy and quick platform to build a quiz, share and analyze the data.

We believe in a simple, no hassle approach to prepare, group entries and view your quizzes & data.

How do I create a quiz?

Once you’ve registered with Formcoast, you can begin to create your own custom quiz. After logging in, click the “Create Quiz” button on the top of your menu.

As you begin to create your quizzes, we understand you may be pulled away from your quiz building so we added a “Save & Preview” button throughout the quiz creation process to easily save and resume your quiz when you're ready.

During the quiz creation process, you can use our Quiz Map to easily reorganize your questions to match your intended format.

How many quizzes can I create?

You can create an unlimited number of quizzes! Along with unlimited questions per quiz and unlimited number of answers per question.

How many entries can my quiz receive?

There is no limit to the number of entries each quiz can receive. Invite away!

I’ve created my first quiz, now what? What sort of data can I see?

Congrats on your 1st quiz! Now that you’ve created your quiz, you will land on your Quiz Dashboard. From here, you can easily view:

  • # of completed entries
  • The pass and fail rate of your quiz
  • Results per question
  • Quiz Tags
  • Specific entry results by passenger

Want to see more on this dashboard? Let us know and we’ll happily review for future updates.

Can I edit my quizzes?

Once a quiz has been published, you are no longer able to make changes to the questions or answers. You can still make changes to the tags associated with each question.

Can I view my quiz questions after it’s published?

Of course! On your Home Dashboard, click on the “Preview Quiz” icon next to the published quiz to view your quiz questions.

Can I save my quiz?

Of course! During the quiz creation process, you may click on “Save & Preview” to store your progress and return to it later.

As long as your quiz has not been published, you may click on the “Edit Quiz” Icon next to the unpublished quiz to continue working on your quiz.

I no longer want to receive entries for my quiz, what do I do?

Go to the Quiz Dashboard for the quiz you no longer would like to receive entries for. Make your way to the bottom and locate the section titled “Archive Quiz”. Follow the instructions listed to archive your quiz

How do I invite people to take my quiz?

Go to your Passengers Dashboard and invite them to take your quiz using their email. Then add the passenger to a Ship containing the quiz.

How do I invite people to take the quiz?

You may go to your Passengers Dashboard and invite them via email. Refer 2 members and create a quiz and we will provide you with 3 months of our Premium Service once it launches.

Can I easily view the results of my quizzes?

Yes you can :) On the Home Dashboard, click on the “Quiz Dashboard” icon to view the data results of your quiz.

What’s my Home Dashboard about?

Home Dashboard is where we provide you with “My Forms”, which allows you to view each quiz you have begun or published. Along with “Actions” so you can continue an unpublished quiz, view a specific quiz dashboard or preview the quiz.

You will also find “Quiz Invitations” which will display each quiz you are invited to someone’s ship.

What are tags?

Tags is our way of better analyzing the data you received from each of your quiz entries. By attaching a unique “Tag” of your choosing to each question within your quiz, you can begin to segment the data in easier ways and discover more.

As an example, by adding an “Algebra” Tag to each algebra question within your “Math Evaluation Tutor Quiz”, you can easily view and understand which of your entries is a strong candidate to tutor algebra.

Every Formcoast member is capable of creating 3 unique Tags per quiz and can attach 1 tag per question.

What are passengers?

Passengers are people you invite via email to be included in your Passenger List. Think of your Passenger List as your Formcoast Contact List. Once someone is on your Passenger List, you can begin to invite them to your Ships and they may start taking any participating quizzes.

We’ll send the invited Passenger a welcome email, inviting them to join Formcoast. If the Passenger is already a Formcoast member, they’ll simply be added to your Passenger List.

What are ships?

Ships is an easy way to group Passengers and invite them to take specific quizzes. Create as many Ships as you’d like, it’s unlimited.

You're the captain now! Choose the guest list and invite them on board!

Where can I edit my account informatoin?

After logging in, click on your “Account” tab to view your name and email. Here you are able to edit your existing password. You are not able to edit your name or email at the moment. If a change is required, reach out to us via our contact us page and we’ll gladly help!

How can I reach out to you regarding feedback, questions, ideas, etc?

You can reach us via our Contact us page. We check our inbox daily and are looking forward to hearing from you! Our mission is to make creating quizzes and analyzing data easy and insightful for educators. Let us know how we can accomplish your goals.

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