Learn More About the Team Helping Educators

About Us

As a team of two, we developed Formcoast to save you time. With the world shifting towards a more remote-focused role, we realized the need to simplify the quiz creation & data management process, at no cost to you.

With our easy & user-friendly quiz creator and robust automated data features, there is no limit to how much time you can gain back!

We handle the “heavy lifting” of managing your data as you sit back and enjoy the benefits.

Our Commitment

We are driven directly by YOU! Every suggestion & feedback is thoroughly reviewed to help influence future changes and improvements.

Feel free to reach out to us anytime and let us know how we can make this platform right for you!

We have tested this
  • After viewing our beta, the feedback was immediately "this is definitely needed!”. This has stuck with us and we aim to continue providing additional value, features and support as time goes on.

Our Current Initiative

We encourage you to use our platform and provide as much feedback as possible on how we can further improve the experience for all educators. So create a quiz, invite some friends, tag some questions and view your data.

Ready to Start Saving Time?

Sign up today and gain access to automated data features, user tracking & an easy quiz creator..

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